10/24/2023 Update:
Thanks for all the feedback already! People generally seem to like the feel of the dice, the dice quality and our skunky little mascot. We have some reports that there’s a little fraying around the opening to the pouch so we will be taking that up with the vendor while talking to other potential suppliers as well. Some of you said the pouch seemed a bit small. We agree. We will enlarge the pouch a bit to make it easier to stuff the rules back in the pouch along with the dice.
We’ve been rewriting the rules as we go. Take a look at the current state of the rules that we recently posted on the website (you’ll find the rules under ‘How to Play’). We’ve also published ‘SKUNK’D Etiquette’ which can be found with the rules — read up! Plus, based on your feedback and suggestions, we’ve made the first major change to the game! We’ve taken the elective rules out of the rulebook. We are working, instead, on creating a deck of cards where each card is a different rule. The rule-maker would play the cards with the rules of their choosing face-up for all players to see and use as reference during the game. Here’s a first draft of one such card:
Keep on rolling and keep on sharing your thoughts and ideas!